Thursday, March 1, 2012

Spring Fever

Living is southeastern NC means mild winters are to be expected, but this year we have barely had any winter at all. Oh sure we have had a few cold days and nights peppered in, but not so many as one would expect. The high reached today at my home was 84F. It just seems hard to believe when the weather forecast says it will be in the thirties again next week. Days like today give me (and my kids) spring fever. I like flowers, but i absolutely love the beginning of our vegetable garden season. My hubby and I plant tomatoes, cucumbers, corn, several types of beans, squash, and MORE!  I get so excited when we have these warm days and I begin to hear the songs of some of the local migratory birds as they return to our familiar backyard feeders. Today while I was outside with the kids looking at the patch of land that will soon again bear our garden, I caught the fever. It was so hard to maintain my resolve and not plant my garden early, but even in the mild NC climate a late frost can reek havoc on tender young shoots. I guess it was my grandparents who taught me to always wait until Good Friday to plant my garden, and past experiences have affirmed it is better to wait. So where did that leave me today? Impatiently waiting, like a kid at Christmas, for the day when I can once again play in the dirt.  :-)